Why should I apply?

Welsh Crucible is a high-profile programme of personal, professional and leadership development for the future research leaders of Wales.

Build networks – Welsh Crucible will help you develop a close network of like-minded peers within the research community and to build links with Welsh Government, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Welsh media;

Forge collaborations – Welsh Crucible will help you learn about new areas of research in order to facilitate personal and career development and to demonstrate the benefits of interdisciplinary research and collaboration;

Enhance your professional profile – Welsh Crucible will help you develop the confidence to communicate your research to the relevant audiences, ensuring your research has greater visibility and impact;

Increase your personal effectiveness – Welsh Crucible will introduce you to new ways of thinking and working in order to improve your personal effectiveness both within and beyond your organisation.

Benefits to employers

Being selected for this highly prestigious programme will benefit your employer as well as you. Welsh Crucible will help you develop your skills of creativity and innovation and will provide you with the tools to help you use these skills to best effect within your organisation. By investing six days of your time your employers will also be able to benefit from your expanded networks and from your enhanced links with the National Assembly for Wales and Welsh media.

How much does it cost?

Welsh Crucible is funded by a consortium of partner HE institutions (Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Swansea University, University of South Wales), in addition to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW).

This means that all residential costs (including accommodation and catering) and the costs for all sessions in the Welsh Crucible labs will be covered for successful candidates employed by one of the partner HE institutions and for up to two successful candidates employed by a non-HE organisation. For candidates in non-partner HEIs, please contact the Welsh Crucible office for further information. Travel expenses will also be covered to and from each participant’s home in Wales to the location of each of the Welsh Crucible labs (up to a value of £100 per return journey).

When can I apply?

The Call for applications for Welsh Crucible 2025 is now closed.

Applications for the 2026 Welsh Crucible will open in December, please follow us on Twitter (@welshcrucible) or look out for communications from your institution for more details closer to the time.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us at welshcrucible@cardiff.ac.uk