Katherine Algar-Skaife
Bangor University
Welsh Crucible 2019
Kat graduated with a BSc in Psychology with Clinical and Health Psychology and an MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology from Bangor University and has worked at the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) Wales since 2009. She has a PhD in Ageing and Dementia Studies for which she explored the benefits of visual arts for care home residents with dementia.
Kat is passionate about improving the quality of life and well-being of people living with dementia and those who support them, and in particular through the arts. Kat led the evaluation of Age Cymru’s cARTrefu (arts in care home) programme and recently completed the ‘Creative Conversations’ project which developed an arts-based dementia care staff development programme. Kat is the Bangor Coordinator for the Wales Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR) and also co-leads the Creativity and ageing work theme. Kat is the Wales Coordinator for Join Dementia Research (JDR).