Irina Nicholas
Natural Resources Wales
Welsh Crucible 2021
Irina obtained a Diplom in biology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and a PhD at Goethe University Frankfurt, focusing on avian ecology and biogeography. After working as research scientist on projects for the German Federal Agency of Nature Conservation and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt, Irina joined the Countryside Council for Wales. She is currently lead specialist advisor for monitoring analysis with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
In her academic research, Irina used statistical models to understand species’ ranges and potential climate change impacts on biodiversity. She applies this background in ecology and data science to analytical, monitoring and research projects across NRW’s remit – including water chemistry, waste regulation, marine biodiversity and protected sites management.
Irina is interested in exploring how Wales can transition to using its natural resources sustainably and how it can adapt to the twin challenges of climate and biodiversity emergency.