Grace Carolan-Rees
Cedar, Cardiff Medicentre
Welsh Crucible 2011
Grace has an Oxford physics degree, an MSc in medical physics from Aberdeen University, a PhD from UWCM, management diploma from University of Glamorgan and a PG Cert in Health Economics from Aberdeen. Following various roles in medical physics, she is now Director of Cedar, an External Assessment Centre for NICE for the Medical Technology Evaluation Programme. Recent Cedar projects for NICE include an assessment report on CardioQ-ODM, a medical device used to guide fluid management during surgery. This was featured on the News at Ten and Fergus Walsh, BBC Medical Correspondent has also written a news story which is available at BBC news online. Cedar is a partner in a collaborative grant funded project with the Gynaecology Department at Cardiff and Vale UHB and Grace is interested to develop similar projects with local researchers.
Grace continues her role as Director of Cedar, Cardiff Medicentre and also an Honorary Visiting Lecturer in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University.