Daniel Curtis
Swansea University
Welsh Crucible 2022
Dr Dan Curtis was awarded an MEng degree in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering from the University of Wales in 2006 before undertaking PhD studies in the field of Complex Fluids and Complex Flows. Securing his first academic position in 2015 in the Complex Fluids Research Group of Swansea University’s College of Engineering he has established a track record of innovation in the field of Rheometry – the development of techniques for characterising the flow and deformation properties of complex fluids such as printing inks, blood & biofluids, foods, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Dr Curtis holds an EPSRC New Investigator Award and contributes to EPSRC and Welsh Assembly Government funded projects concerning printed electronics & blood coagulation. He has also developed substantive collaborations with MIT, KU Leuven and the NHS. Dr Curtis is also a STEM Ambassador.