Sophia Komninou
Prifysgol Abertawe
Crwsibl Cymru 2021
Sophia has a background in Nutrition, as she has obtained a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from the Harokopeio University in Greece and an MSc in Human Nutrition from the Medical School of the University of Glasgow. After a short period of practicing as a dietitian, she completed a PhD in the University of Liverpool, focusing on the impact of maternal and infant nutrition and parental feeding practices, both milk feeding and weaning, on infants’ and toddlers’ eating behaviour. More recently, her research is looking into the emotional and practical experiences of families when feeding their babies. She is also exploring how public health policies can help reduce the stigma around feeding babies and toddlers while promoting both mother and infant wellbeing. Sophia is very interested in contributing my nutrition or behavioural expertise in other projects beyond her current research projects as well as getting involved in nutrition and science communication opportunities.