Patricia Masterson-Algar
Prifysgol Bangor
Crwsibl Cymraeg 2019
Patricia completed a BSc and a Research Master’s degree in Marine Sciences before making a career change and training as an Occupational Therapist in 2009. She then went on to complete a PhD in Health Sciences. As part of her PhD, she carried out the process evaluation of the OTCH trial (Occupational Therapy intervention for residents with stroke in UK care homes). Patricia is now part of the team leading the process evaluation of the PD COMM trial, which is a randomised controlled trial that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a speech and language therapy intervention for people with Parkinson’s disease.
Patricia has a strong interest in developing approaches to rehabilitation that tap into the resources or ideas that other fields can bring. She has successfully worked with sports scientists, social scientists, OTs and psychologists in developing a peer support intervention for stroke rehabilitation. Her postdoctoral fellowship is applying innovative approaches to map the experiences of young adults living in families affected by a neurological illness. Patricia is also leading a study to bring together UK and Brazilian dementia carers using art and film media.