Marco Arkesteijn
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Crwsibl Cymru 2022
Marco completed his PhD in endurance cycling performance at the University of Kent, focusing on biomechanics and physiology of cyclists. He is now a Lecturer in Sport, Exercise and Health at Aberystwyth University. As part of the Well-being and health Assessment Research Unit, Marco has shifted his attention from sport to health and now focuses on exercise and physical activity in older adults. This involves both biomechanical analyses of gait and balance involving 3D motion capture, as well as more applied research to promote physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. His research includes both quantitative and qualitative research, and includes a range of approaches, such as surveys, interventions and collaborations with health care around preventing frailty. Marco is keen to contribute to people’s well-being by promoting physical activity as an effective and enjoyable part of getting older.