Lorelei Jones
Prifysgol Bangor
Crwsibl Cymru 2021
Lorelei’s research is on the social organisation of health care in the context of contemporary policy reforms. Through organisational ethnography, Lorelei enhances understanding of cultural process and contexts, to develop theory and inform practice. Lorelei studied anthropology at the University of Queensland and completed her PhD at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her postdoctoral research, at UCL, was on the governance of quality and safety in hospitals. She joined Bangor University School of Health Sciences as a lecturer in 2018. Lorelei currently works with colleagues in health policy, clinical practice, and visual art, to develop and conduct more creative, inclusive, and expansive health care research. Lorelei’s aim is to support the development of health care professionals and services in North Wales, and contribute to international learning to address future health and care challenges.