Elizabeth Hart
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
Crwsibl Cymru 2021
Elizabeth obtained her BSc degree in Marine and Freshwater Biology at the University of Wales Aberystwyth, followed by a Master of Research in Applied Marine Science at Plymouth University, then a PhD in Proteomics investigating biomarkers for anthelmintic resistance in ruminants at Aberystwyth. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Animal Science and lecture’s part time in Animal Science at Aberystwyth. Elizabeth’s research is focussed on how the future of climate change will affect today’s forages and the future of animal production. Elizabeth enjoys developing her research to address questions relating to current and future problems within biological sciences. She has a passion for communicating her enthusiasm for research, learning and understanding, not only for University based students, but also to primary and secondary level students in fun, interactive and innovative ways.