Christina Lloydwin
Crwsibl Cymru 2024
Christina has a BSc (Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition (University of Leeds), a Masters’ in Public Health (Queen’s University Belfast) and a PhD in Public Health Nutrition (Queen’s University Belfast). Christina is an Honorary Research Associate at Cardiff University, in the Department for Population Medicine. Christina works as a Senior Researcher at CEDAR (Centre for Healthcare Evaluation, Device Assessment and Research), based in Cardiff. Christina previously worked as a Principal Researcher in Public Health Wales and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, embedded in the local public health team with a remit of developing a research culture and leading a programme of research in population health. She has expertise in the development of complex interventions, process evaluations and behaviour change and enjoys working in an interdisciplinary manner. Christina is passionate about diminishing the boundaries between research, policy and practice in health in Wales.