Charlotte E Davies

Charlotte E Davies

Prifysgol Abertawe

Crwsibl Cymraeg 2019

Charlotte is a Bluefish Scientific Officer within the Comparative Immunology and Pathobiology group at Swansea University. Her research focuses on diseases in marine ecosystems, which have the potential to alter ocean life, and the coastal communities that rely upon it.

Charlotte obtained her BSc in Biology and PhD at Swansea University, studying pathogens of economically important European shellfish. Her first postdoctoral position at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology investigated the relationship between tropical habitat ecology and disease prevalence in the Caribbean spiny lobster.

Charlotte’s current research, through the BlueFish Project, investigates disease connectivity in the aquatic environment, including the ability to ‘track’ pathogens from the water column into the host using eDNA approaches. Charlotte wants to work towards a better understanding of how anthropogenically driven stressors such as fishing, climate change and invasive species, can affect emergence, spread and connectivity of marine diseases.

Gwefan Ebost