Alec Moore

Alec Moore

Prifysgol Bangor

Crwsibl Cymru 2021

Alec is a marine biologist in the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University. After a BSc in Marine Sciences (Southampton) and an MSc in Ecosystems Analysis (Warwick) he worked outside academia for 15 years, undertaking marine ecological surveys and environmental consultancy for marine and coastal developments. While he was in industry Alec obtained his PhD by Published Works (Bangor) on the sharks and rays of the Arabian Gulf – specifically their biodiversity, fisheries and conservation. Alec made the leap into academia in 2019 and is currently a postdoctoral researcher on the Sustainable Fisheries Wales project. Alec is especially interested in multi-disciplinary and collaborative approaches to addressing data gaps in marine ecology by using alternative data sources (e.g. historical, anecdotal, archaeological, online).

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