Carolyn Wallace
University of South Wales
Welsh Crucible 2011
Carolyn is a registered nurse and worked in the NHS for 20 years in clinical and managerial roles until she joined the University of South Wales in 2004. Carolyn has been promoted to a Professor in Community Health and Care Services at the University of South Wales and PRIME Centre Wales.
Carolyn teaches nurses and social workers and is a fellow of WIHSC. Carolyn undertook an Open University degree and an MSc in Interprofessional Studies (Health) in UWIC and later completed her PhD in 2010 with Coventry University in collaboration with the University of Worcester. Her most current research activity has been a post doctoral fellowship with the Wales School for Primary Care Research. It gave her the opportunity to develop research bids for frailty and integrated care.
Carolyn is keen to develop a collaboration of people who have an interest in developing research in integrated care and participatory evaluation.