Lyle Skains

Lyle Skains

Manchester Metropolitan Universiy

(formerly Bangor University)

Welsh Crucible 2018

Lyle researches and teaches Creative Writing and Digital Media, exploring multimodal creativity, genre fiction, writing and reading/playing transmedia narratives, and writing and publishing in the 21st century.

Her research is largely practice-based, stemming from her work in creative writing (speculative fiction) and digital writing. Prior to her career as a writer, she studied to be a biological anthropologist, studying evolutionary genetics and primate morphology. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Writing at Bangor University, building upon her experience as a professional writer in prose and the film and technical industries.

Lyle is interested in exploring the ways that digital media, fiction in particular, can be integrated into our everyday lives, including education, entertainment, communication about specialist topics (science, policy, health, culture, etc.), and personal exploration.

Lyle has relocated and is now a Senior Lecturer in the School of Digital Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University.

