Fan Zhang
University of South Wales
Welsh Crucible 2019
Fan received his BEng in automation from Tianjin University of Technology and Education, P.R. China, and obtained his MSc in control systems and PhD in developing control strategy to eliminate the vibration for marine vessels from Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield. After working as a postdoc to develop a bipedal walking strategy for a humanoid robot, he joined University of South Wales and is currently working as a Lecturer.
His current research focuses on system integration, control and optimisation for renewable energy generation and utilisation, with emphasis on using hydrogen as energy storage. He has a passionate interest in increasing the penetration of renewable energy and exploring the wider integration and application of hydrogen energy including power-to-gas technology and using hydrogen as transporation fuel. He is keen to working with researchers in other fields to explore the development of future energy systems.