Esther Jones
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
(formerly University of South Wales)
Welsh Crucible 2019
Esther has an undergraduate degree in Astrophysics from Cardiff University. After working in industry, she returned to study for an MRes in Environmental Biology and obtained a PhD at the University of St Andrews. Her postdoctoral and independent research focused on spatial and movement ecology of seals, cetaceans, and birds at the Sea Mammal Research Unit and the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling at the University of St Andrews.
She was a Lecturer in Quantitative Ecology at the University of South Wales. Her research was interdisciplinary between ecology, statistics, and geography, synthesising complex ecological data, particularly from telemetry sources. Research projects included investigating coastal biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and implementing statistical methods to characterise species distributions.
Esther is now a Statistician at Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland.